Calefy Screens Explained

Monthly view
This is your main screen. Here you find a monthly overview of all events.
To see further details, just click individual days.

Weekly view
All events are sorted by weeks. By clicking individual profile icons, details to the events are revealed.

Monthly overview user
In the monthly-/ weekly- or daily overview, clicking on your profile – which is located in the left upper corner- will turn the frame of your profile pic into green, and you will only overview your own events in the calendar. Click your profile again and the green frame will disappear, now you are able to overview all events again.

Multiple events per day
The numbers with an additional + beneath the profile pictures, inform you that several of your contacts have set events, exactly on that day. Click on a certain day in order to get a detailed overview to these events.

Filter and search
If you click on the icon in the upper right corner, the filter and search will open.

Contact – individual persons
In this tab you can see all the people from your address book who use calefy. Right here you can search for a certain person or access his/her calefy profile, by just clicking on the contact.

Edit groups
Right here you add or remove contacts. Click on the pen in order to edit a group. With the green plus sign you add contacts, and with the red X you delete them from the group.

New event
Add an event right here and choose a color for it.

Choose your language, invite new people to use calefy or activate the push notification.

Profile – events
Right here every self-created event can be viewed, edited or deleted.

Daily view
In the daily view all events are clearly arranged. Just click on a certain event and all details are revealed. Respectively, click on the profile picture of a person and you are led to his/her profile. Now you are able to see their future planned events.

Daily view detail
Right here you get all the information to a certain event and you are able to respond to your contacts, by clicking the button in the bottom right corner. In addition, you can edit, delete or forward your own events here.

Monthly view contacts
The same applies to the profiles of your contacts in the top bar. Mark individual contacts and you will get an event overview, of the green framed ones. Click them again and the whole overview is revealed again.

Back to top
This button brings you back to the current month, current week or current day.

Filter & search in detail
Right here you are able to filter dates according to daytime. On the other hand you can use the search symbol, in order to look up certain friends or activities.

Contact – groups
In this tab you are able to see your personal groups, which are created by yourself. Later these groups can be chosen for your event requests. Click on the groups, in order to edit them.

Add events
The big plus button icon will take you to the input mask, which allows you to create new events.

New event – group & push
Now you choose, which of your self-created groups are supposed to see the event. You can remove individual group members for this event. In order to do so, just click on a group and simply remove the green tick from individual contacts. In addition, you can use the push function. The result is, that the new event immediately shows up on the lock screen of all chosen group members.
In order to leave the group area, pull the screen down. That way you will enter the input mask for events again.

Profile – information
Edit your profile picture and information about yourself. This will show up in your calefy profile, which is visible to your friends.
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