Frequently Asked Questions

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You can also check our screens. Everything is explained here. 

Try again and check that you entered the correct phone number.

Only for iOS: If you didn’t allow Calefy to access your contacts after installing, go to your iPhone settings and enable access to your contacts. 

Select the iPhone settings and scroll down until you see the Calefy app. Click on it and set the switch to green again. Now, close the app and open it again. You should see your contacts in Calefy now.

Go to Calefy SettingsContacts & Synchronization. Here you can invite your contacts to Calefy.

Click on the First Name / Last Name buttons and you can change the order from A-Z or Z-A.

Be aware that you only can invite mobile phone numbers.

Click on the People / Group button (to the left of the green +), then go to Groups.

Now you can choose which contacts to add to your groups. Go to the pen in the top right corner to add the contacts via the green circle. As soon as you’re ready, click on the checkmark in the top right corner. You just saved your contacts in the group and can now add them to new events.

Go to the People / Group button, click on People and the respective contact. Now you can view the contacts profile with all the events and profile information.

Click on the respective event to get a detailed view. You can answer to this event by using the „Share“ button in the bottom right corner. Now select how you’d like to get in touch with that contact. Messenger, SMS, Email…

We are currently in the beta version, and we don’t have a built-in chat yet. But we’re currently working on it.

Either your contacts didn’t add any events yet or a contact is still marked green in the top bar.

If that’s the case, you can only see the events of the green marked contact. If that contact didn’t add any events yet, there is nothing to see in the overview. Click on that contact again to get rid of the green border. Now you should see all of your contacts events again.

Check the settings of your smartphone, if you enabled the notifications for Calefy.

In Calefy, go to settings (to the right of the green +) and ensure the push notifications are switched on.